Impian Country Resort, Hulu Langat

Last weekend, 1st & 2nd September, 2007 at Impian Country Resort I joined my sister with her "Perkhemahan Motivasi 2007" for Program Integrasi Pendidikan Khas, SKTG. She's busy with all the activities, so I have to take care of her sons. At first I thought of join her jungle trekking but I can’t leave my nephews with my mom in the chalet, so I accompanying them "berendam" in the small river & waterfall. Nice place for small kids, school children, youngsters especially for motivational courses but for adults I don’t think it's a challenges place to go.

To know more about their activities and facilities available, please check this out…


Anonymous said…
Hi Ms Lynn, need yr favour, hope you can help me. Do you have the impian country resort contact no. M planning 2 hv children's camp there. TQ - Emma
sazzy said…
Hi Ms Emma, I dont have Impian Country Resort contact number but I can ask my sister later if you still want it. I suggest alternative you try Lembah Azwen Resort. Also at Bt 14. Hulu Langat. I think they are next to each other. check this out..
Looks very much nicer.
Yoyo said…
Hi Ms Slyn,can i have the number for Impian Country Resort please =].
Im planning a trip to there for my club Thanks.
sazzy said…
Hi Yoyo, i'm so sorry, I dont have their contact number. My trip there was arranged by the school. Try check website

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