K, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Just focus on the happy moments that you shared with him. He sounded like a special person! Every minute & every second of our life is so precious. I really wish that i could be by yourside, be a shoulder to cry on, be a good listener. I know, that's impossible, coz you're living in a reality but me in a fantasy...

Irwansyah & Acha - My Heart

Disini kau dan aku
Terbiasa bersama
Menjalani kasih sayang
Bahagia ku denganmu

Pernahkah kau menguntai
Hari paling indah
Ku ukir nama kita berdua
Disini surga kita

Bila kita mencintai yang lain
Mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar
Sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah
Sayang ku akan hilang

If u love somebody, could we be this strong
I will fight to win, our love will conquer all
Wouldn’t risk my love, even just one night
Our love will stay in my heart
My heart


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