tension nya bulan ni.. banyak sangat benda yang masih outstanding! Mana nak beli perabut, lampu, nak mengecat, nak pindah & etc.. Selalu rasa nak marah je!! Ishhhh... I need to relax and do things one by one. Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku, berilah hamba Mu ini kesabaran, kekuatan dan keyakinan...
Impian Country Resort, Hulu Langat
Last weekend, 1st & 2nd September, 2007 at Impian Country Resort I joined my sister with her "Perkhemahan Motivasi 2007" for Program Integrasi Pendidikan Khas, SKTG. She's busy with all the activities, so I have to take care of her sons. At first I thought of join her jungle trekking but I can’t leave my nephews with my mom in the chalet, so I accompanying them "berendam" in the small river & waterfall. Nice place for small kids, school children, youngsters especially for motivational courses but for adults I don’t think it's a challenges place to go. To know more about their activities and facilities available, please check this out… http://www.mindvision.com.my/impiancountryresort.htm