
Takpe lah... dah orang suruh buat... penat jugak memikirkannya...

[Q.01] Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die:
1. To make myself financially sound (then I can do 2 - 6)
2. Move into my own bungalow (or at least a semi-D)
3. Have my own kids (or at least someone to call me mummy)
4. To perform the Hajj
5. Travel around the world (with my life partner)
6. Visiting (all) the wonders of the world
7. Drive my own dream car - SLK

[Q.02] Seven Celebrity Crushes:
1. Richard Gere (Sexy)
2. Pierce Brosnan (Gorgeous)
3. Josh Hartnett (Sexy eyes)
4. Hugh Grant (Good looking and I love English accent)
5. Keanu Reaves (Gorgeous)
6. Dean Cain (my superman)
7. Harrison Ford

[Q.03] Seven Often Repeated Words:
1. e’eh na..
2. ye lah tu
3. ha’a
4. ok la tuu
5. siot…
6. boring ahh
7. macam ……… (macam-macam lah)

[Q.04] Why I Chose My Husband Seven Traits I Look For In The Opposite Sex
1. Sexy & Romantic
2. Loving, Lovable and Love kids
3. Good looking, Clean & Healthy
4. Financially Sound – meaning: Have a good career / professional
5. Full sense of humor (I don’t want to be serious all the time)
6. Intelligence (very important to head a family)
7. Good Judgment (know how to differentiate which & what is more important in life)

[Q.05] FIVE People This Tags Goes To:
1. fira (kamu perlu tukar Q.04 to Why I Chose My Husband)
2. harish (pls change Q.04 to something that is applicable for you)
3. amir (Q.04. sama dengan I lah kan)
4. Femmy (pls make this continue)
5. Zuni (as for Q.04 just change back to the original question)


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