you are unique...

taken from Know Yourself - The Truth Will Set You Free by Shahreen Kamaluddin

Your life's purpose is to express your uniqueness and your greatness.

Living your life's purpose is the key that will unlock your true self to yourself. Once you know who you really are, you will choose to express your true self proudly and without any reservation. You will fear no criticism, no judgement and no competition, because you are unique. When you stand tall in the knowledge of who you really are, self-consciousness dissipates. You know you are no less and no more than any living on earth. You are being yourself. You are perfect as you are. All your expressions are expressions of your truth and you are a living example of your truth. You are pure love and joy. You are in a pure state of being. You are on home ground and living your best.

Dedicated to the most beautiful woman in Malaysia ===> All of you my friends and family..


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