bestnya... my friend just sent me a message tru msn messenger that she is in Mauritius... how nice ya... and jimat pulak tu, tak payah bayar hotel...

Asha says: hi lina apa khabar?
Lina says: baik
Lina says: you?
Asha says: i'm good in mauriitius now
Lina says: u kidding?
Lina says: how was it
Asha says: it was
Asha says: good
Asha says: beach really beautiful
Asha says: water is green n so beautiiul
Asha says: why r u still in hospital
Asha says: ha ha
Asha says: in office
Asha says: wrong typing
Lina says: office...
Asha says: yeah what time is there
Lina says: 5.45
Asha says: u r not going back yet
Asha says: over here is 13.49
Lina says: hotel macam mana?
Asha says: i stay with my friend
Asha says: so i don't pay for my hote
Asha says: hotel
Asha says: okay lina talk to u another day
Asha says: going out
Asha says: so bye


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