(Affirmations from Living With Joy, Spiritual Growth and Creating Money twice,
the second time using "I" instead of "you" wherever it made sense to me)


I take action on my inner guidance.
I make decisions easily.
I find winning solutions.
I now experience a new level of clarity, well-being and self-confidence.
I release any feelings o self-pity and blame. I know I can create any reality I want.
I know exactly what to do to create the results I want.
I now take charge of my life.


I am magnetic to love.
I send peaceful, loving thoughts to other people.
Every day I experience more love in my life.
I connect with people through my heart. I radiate love.
I release all negative thoughts and judgments of others.
I sense the souls of others when I am with them.
I see the good in others.
I radiate my soul's light wherever I am. I am a radiant light.
I spread love and goodwill wherever I go.
I like who I am around other people.
I am centered and balanced around other people.
I receive love easily and others give it to me generously.


I allow myself to have a beautiful body.
I love taking care of my body. I deserve to have a beautiful, fit, and healthy body.
I love and accept my body.
I love my clothes. They reflect my inner beauty.
I picture myself with a fit, trim, an healthy body. As I picture it, I create it.
I am a slim person who can eat whatever I want.
I have a lot of physical energy.
I am beautiful within and without.
I now make healthy choices.
I release any negative self-images.
I notice when I have negative thoughts about myself and replace them with positive ones.
I visualize my ideal body daily. As I hold a steady vision, I make it a reality.
I am in top-notch condition, fit and energetic.
I am at my healthiest, most optimum weight.
I release all guilt about the food I eat.
My thoughts about my body determine my shape. I use my creative imagination to think myself perfect.


I, your soul, can strengthen and recharge you. Sit in silence and make a
connection to me. All you need to do is ask, sit quietly for five minutes or so,
and I will send you energy that will strengthen and recharge you physically,
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. - 


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