Hari ni pergi KSM ada meeting pagi-pagi kat sana. Kelam kabut coz ingat tak jam nak kesana tapi sangkut kat toll... Tak sangka banyak pulak kereta hari ni, selalunya takde. Sampai sana tepat-tepat 9:30am. Lucky, meeting pun belum start lagi. Waktu balik ingat nak singgah Alamanda, tapi, tak sihat, takde mood. Singgah sekejap kat lobby one of the ministry, ada jual-jual barang macam pesta pulak. Bought myself two pearl brooches. Beautiful, this is for you slyn!!

I am a special, unique person.
I am filled with light.
I accept and love myself unconditionally.
I appreciate myself and acknowledge all the things I am doing well.
I nurture myself, I take are of me.
I believe in myself.
I like what I see in the mirror.
I am wise. I give myself good advice.
I am patient with myself.
I follow my inner guidance.
I nurture my inner child.
I can be calm, balanced, and in my centre whenever I choose.
I am relaxed and at peace with the world and myself.
All of my feelings are a part of myself and I love and accept all of them.
I am a wonderful human being, doing the best I know how.
I find time every day to relax and just "be".
I deserve to be treated with kindness and love, and I am.
I love and accept my emotions.


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