"So You Want To Come Back?"

He wants to come back, no, not come back but to win me back! To love and to be loved! He wants to become my other half, my soul mate and my husband. He was part of me, my love and he was the best ever happened in my live. And I'm pretty sure, he is still somewhere deep inside my heart. Argh... Wouldn't is be wonderful if our mind growled like our stomach does when it is hungry? It's not a very good idea to be looking back when you ought to be looking ahead.

Love it's incredible to me, how one person can make such a 'big' difference in my life... you touch me in a way no one else ever has and give me so many reason to love you... Loving you is like breathing, how can I stop... but why make my life so hard?

He said - (in one of his sms)... "Its 4 am, still not sleeping, thinking about you and the torture you've gone through because of being in love with me. This definitely not your fault and I fell ashamed of myself. Not worth living this life if you don't get what you want from me... Hopes are our guide and that's what will guide our destiny, I will not Berhenti Mengharap cause, Kaulah Kekasihku yang terakhir... Love you..."

"You don't know what you got until you've lost it"

...because you never know what could happen...
It doesn't matter, it can be A or B or C... What you get by reaching your goals is not nearly as important as what you become by reaching them... You could lose everything you've worked so hard... or you could get back what you've lost. If you really love something set it free, if it comes back it's yours, if it doesn't it was never meant to be...

Hopes" - Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try!


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