My Christmas weekend

Last Saturday is my best friend's wedding. Norashikin & Hisham! I was there untill 5pm. Some of the captured memories during that special moments...

Shikin & Hisham selepas akad nikah!

Shikin - 25th December 2004

Yesterday, I and my family visited my Aunty in KL hospital. I did write about Aneurysm or Brain Attack in my November post. She is still not talking, look like she is in her own world. Pity her and my Uncle.

She is in Neurology Unit or Pusat Kaji Saraf, HKL since 11th November 2004… Pergi that wad, kalau tak tahan, lebih baik jangan masuk. I feel dizzy and very sad… Semuanya melibatkan pembedahan di kepala. Ada some patients tu sebahagian dari tengkorak kepala dikeluarkan sepanjang tempoh rawatan dan disimpan dalam bahagian perut, (ada orang cerita macam tu, not sure whether this is true or not) dan akan dipasang semula selepas tempoh rawatan selesai. Can you imagine your head without some small piece of tengkorak kepala? Saya tengok sendiri dengan mata saya!!

Looking at all the patients; definitely kita akan rasa sangat bertuah pada diri sendiri sebab apa yang berlaku bukan sesuatu yang dijangka. We should appreciate what we have, our family and our loved ones. Spend more time and shower them with love coz when something bad happen to your loved ones, they lying on bed due to coma or they suddenly did not even recognize you then nothing else you can do.


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