
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

If I could wish a wish for you, it would be for peace and happiness not only now, but for the whole year through!

I wish that there always be food on your table. And that you always remember those less fortunate.

May you always take time to share, and thank those who share with you.

I wish for time, so you may reflect on the blessings that you have, and that you express your love to those who are dear to you.

May you never feel lonely, because there are those who care.

That you realize: you are special, you are unique, you make a difference, not only during Christmas or New Year, but all year!

I wish for your thoughts to be positive ones, that you never quit, that you never give up, and that you continue to learn.

I wish for the love, peace, and joy be yours always.

Wishing you... every happiness this Holiday Season and prosperity in the New Year.

I look forward to continuing our "blogspot relationship" with all my friends wherever you are in the coming year.

~ SaZaLiNa ~


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