
Showing posts from September, 2006
K, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Just focus on the happy moments that you shared with him. He sounded like a special person! Every minute & every second of our life is so precious. I really wish that i could be by yourside, be a shoulder to cry on, be a good listener. I know, that's impossible, coz you're living in a reality but me in a fantasy... Irwansyah & Acha - My Heart Disini kau dan aku Terbiasa bersama Menjalani kasih sayang Bahagia ku denganmu Pernahkah kau menguntai Hari paling indah Ku ukir nama kita berdua Disini surga kita (Korus) Bila kita mencintai yang lain Mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar Sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah Sayang ku akan hilang If u love somebody, could we be this strong I will fight to win, our love will conquer all Wouldn’t risk my love, even just one night Our love will stay in my heart My heart

Ramadhan Al Mubarak

The Holy Month of Ramadhan is upon us - the month of blessings and mercy. The month in which Allah has invited us to His banquet of bounties and has promised us forgiveness. Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak & Selamat Berpuasa...

A Price To Everything In Life

There was this museum laid with beautiful marble tiles, with a huge marble statue displayed in the middle of the lobby. Many people came from all over the world just to admire this beautiful marble statue. One night, the marble tiles started talking to the marble statue. Marble tile: Marble statue, it's just not fair, it's just not fair! Why does everybody from all over the world come all the way here just to step on me while admiring you? Not fair! Marble statue: My dear friend, marble tile. Do you still remember that we were actually from the same cave? Marble tile: Yeah! That's why I feel it is even more unfair. We were born from the same cave and yet we receive different treatment now. Not fair!" Marble statue: Then, do you still remember the day when the designer tried to work on you, but you resisted the tools? Marble tile: Yes, of course I remember. I hate that guy! How could he use those tools on me, it hurt so badly. Marble statue: That's right! He couldn&

activity hujung minggu...

Hari Jumaat yang lepas, rakan-rakan sepejabat berkumpul di IOI Mall untuk bermain bowling... Lepas habis waktu kerja, kami pun bertolak ke Puchong.. Hujan mengiringi kami ke sana. (waaaa bahasa...) Masing-masing macam terror main, ada yang tak sangka boleh dapat strike... (mcm aku)... Semua orang kepenatan, maklum lahhhh, usia pun dah meningkat.. Selesai bowling, aku pergi minum dekat Bandar Puteri sampai pukul 12:00 tgh malam... Nak drive balik pun kepenatan, tapi terpaksa balik jugak kan... sampai rumah, guard tegur aku,.. lambat balik... nak je aku cakap, taklah.. kan masih pagi... sibuk pulak dia... Sampai rumah, mandi dan terus tidur, kepenatan... Hari Sabtu, bangun lewat.. buat breakfast sendiri, French Toast.. (selalunya mak yang buat kan breakfast... tapi semalam, mak tak datang).. Hari ni aku lepak je kat rumah, berkemas, menyapu rumah, mob lantai, etc.. Selesai semua, terus relax, tidur lagi... Petang dalam pukul 6, exercise dgn stepper for 1 hour... Lepas tu mandi dan mala

Welcome to wherever you are ...

Maybe we're all different But we're still the same We all got the blood of Eden running to our veins I know sometimes it's hard for you to see You cought between just who you are and who you want to be If you feel alone and lost and need a friend Remember every new beginning is some beginning's end Welcome to wherever you are This is your life, you made it this far Welcome, you got to believe That right here right now you're exactly where you're supposed to be Welcome to wherever you are When everybody's in and you're left out And you feel drowning in a shadow of the dawn Everyone's a miracle in their own way Just listen to yourself not what other people say When it seems you're lost alone and feeling down Remember everybody's different, just take a look around Welcome to wherever you are This is your life, you made it this far Welcome, you got to believe That right here right now you're exactly where you're supposed to be Be who you